News & Updates

Welcome to the Extracellular Charitable & Community Page. We believe in the power of community and we are committed to giving back to our local community in meaningful ways.

Why we care

As people who live and work in Altrincham and other areas of Greater Manchester, we recognise the challenges and opportunities in our surrounding areas and understand the importance of supporting and nurturing our local communities. Our commitment to healthcare and wellbeing extends beyond our clinic doors. For a society to thrive it needs a healthy community. It’s not just about the business, it’s about building a better and more connected place to live.

Our Vision

Through our charity endeavours, we aim to make a positive impact on our local community. We want to help create a resilient, stronger, healthy community by lending a hand to those in need including schools, healthcare companies and other essential community services.

How we care and get involved

Last year, we wanted to show our heartfelt appreciation for the tireless work done by our community’s Friends of Parks groups. To help them continue their wonderful efforts in John Leigh Park, Stamford Park, and Woodstock Park, we gave them £100 Homebase vouchers each. This was our way of saying ‘thank you’ and ensuring they have what they need to keep making our parks beautiful places for everyone to enjoy. 

Please read more details here in Altrincham Today Article

John Leigh Park
Woodstock Park Donation

How you can get involved

We invite members of the public, customers, businesses, and community service providers to join us on our charity journey. On this page, you will find our charity projects, events, and ways you can contribute. Whether it’s volunteering your time and expertise, a donation or spreading the word everything helps.

Stay connected

Please connect with us through our website and social media. Together we can create a brighter and more compassionate community. Thank you for being part of our mission to make a difference in Altrincham and the rest of Greater Manchester. Together we can achieve great things.

How to Contact us


07895 272195

Opening Hours

Tues -Thurs – Fri:

Tuesday 2PM – 6PM

Thursday & Friday

9AM – 2PM


139 Manchester Road, Altrincham, WA14 5NS

Parking at the rear of the building.

Private Home Visits

Home visits are available in the Altrincham Area, Hart District & North Hampshire Area.