How to Drink Less Alcohol During Holidays

How to Drink Less Alcohol During Holidays: 10 Proven Tips

During the holiday season, it can seem that overindulgence is not only common but expected. In the UK, a study by DrinkAware found that over 60% of people feel they drink too much during the holidays. This study also mentioned that 13% of people will turn down party invitations due to the pressure to drink a lot of alcohol. I can personally relate to this. When I have decreased or stopped drinking alcohol, I have received criticism and pressure to drink as much as everyone else. This has led to me not going out to avoid the awkwardness that can occur. 

In this blog, I am going to give you 10 tips to help you decrease your alcohol intake, which can be used during the holiday season and at other times as well. The Chief Medical Officer in the UK recommends that you should not drink more than 14 units per week, which should be spread over at least 3 days. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to liver disease, heart disease and many other health and social problems. If you want to have more control and to drink alcohol within safe limits, then try the tips below:

1. Know Your Limits

  • Know your limits: Have you ever woken up the next day with a hangover and known exactly at what point the night before you should have stopped drinking? Most people know their limit and when they are crossing it. By being more mindful, you can set yourself a limit of, for example, no more than three glasses of wine. This way, you still get to drink, and ahead of time, you have planned when to stop. 

2. Opt for Smaller Serving Sizes

  • Smaller serving sizes: Serving sizes have steadily increased over the past few decades. A standard serving of wine was 125ml (around 1.6 units), then it went up to 175ml (around 2.1 units), and is now usually 250ml around 3.3 units). Humans are creatures of habit and, therefore, will order a glass of wine as usual but not think about the serving size. Even if a restaurant does not have a smaller size on its menu, you can ask for a smaller glass. Not only will a smaller size decrease the amount of alcohol you consume, but it will also reduce the amount you spend, as smaller sizes tend to cost less. 

3. Slow Down and Savour

  • Slow down: Often, we get our drink, and before we know it, the drink is finished, and we are on to the next one. Try to take more time when you are drinking. Think about the flavour and enjoy the taste. Be in the moment and appreciate your surroundings and who you are with. By taking your time, you are also giving your body enough time to process the alcohol and, therefore, reduce any unwanted side effects.

4. Stay Hydrated

  • Drink more water: This follows nicely from the above tip. By also asking for water with your drink, you can help to decrease the dehydration effects of alcohol. It also means there is a longer gap between your alcohol-containing drinks. By pausing between your alcoholic drinks, you can also make a more mindful choice if you would like another one. 

5. Non-Alcoholic Alternatives

  • Add in some non-alcoholic drinks: There are so many drinks that are low alcohol or are alcohol-free on the market now. A lot are of good quality, and you still feel like you are drinking with everyone else. You can choose to have one of these every other or after every two alcoholic drinks that you have. 

6. Eat a Nutritious Meal Beforehand

  • Eat before drinking: This is a tip that most people know about but do not consistently do. By having a wholesome, nutritious meal before you start drinking alcohol, you help to slow the absorption of the alcohol into your body. This can lead to you wanting to drink less and help you not exceed your limits. 

7. Track Your Intake and Avoid Rounds

  • Track your intake/don’t join in rounds: People overindulge during the holiday season because they are unaware of how much they are drinking. How many times have you thought you only had a couple of drinks and your friend reminded you of the drinks you forgot? You can use apps for this, such as good old-fashioned pen and paper, or just be more mindful and aware of how much you are drinking. Joining rounds or sharing bottles of wine can also cause many issues. Firstly, there may be more people in the round than the number of drinks you want to have. Secondly, people drink at different rates, and there may be people who drink faster than you. Thirdly, people may say a certain round has to be doubles or you may want a small glass of wine, and they insist on buying you a large glass. 

8. Skip Pre-Drinking

  • Skip pre-drinking: With finances being high on many people’s priority list, drinking before you go out can seem like a way to save money because you think you will drink less when you are out. However, most of the time, you may end up drinking the same amount or more because you have drunk faster, had no water in between and drank a larger serving size. Therefore, your ability to be more mindful and drink less is reduced. 

9. Invest in Quality Drinks

  • Quality over quantity: By getting more high-end drinks, you are more likely to drink them slowly and get a smaller serving size. There is a tendency to drink more when the alcohol is low quality and low cost. By increasing the quality, you are more likely to decrease the amount of alcohol that you have and take the time to enjoy it.

10. Find a Support Buddy

  • Support buddy: It can be challenging to decrease or keep your alcohol intake within the limits you set for yourself when you are surrounded by people who expect you to be drinking more. By having a support buddy, you not only have someone who holds you accountable (and you also hold them accountable), but you also have someone who can help you fight your corner and stick to your goals. Often, there is someone else in your circle who also wants to decrease their alcohol intake but is scared to do this alone. Try reaching out to some of your friends. It can also be useful to communicate to the relevant people, ahead of time, your intentions and this can lead to them being less likely to pressurise you to drink more at the actual event.

Benefits of Drinking Less Alcohol During the Holidays

Many people would like to make sure they do not overindulge over the holiday season and drink less alcohol. This helps them sleep better, improves their mood, and decreases the likelihood of any family arguments during the holiday season.

Need Support?

If you would like help staying accountable to your goals and support while making changes to your lifestyle then fill in the contact us page and we can book a discovery call to discuss the situation further. 



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