How To Create a Self-Care Plan You Can Stick To

We are living in a time when our attention is being pulled in multiple different directions. We are expected to be everything to everyone, and it all needs to be done perfectly. Often, weeks will go by before you realise you haven’t done anything for yourself or had any fun. Self-care is about looking after and protecting your own health and wellbeing. 

Aqua, a credit card brand, conducted a survey that found only 29% of British people make self-care a daily priority. In this blog, I am going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to create a personalised self-care plan that ensures you can prioritise your wellbeing without burning out or feeling overwhelmed.

Step 1: Create Your Joy List

The Joy List: Get a blank piece of paper or open a note taking app on your phone. I want you to set aside 30 minutes to write down all the things that fill your cup and make you feels centred, reenergised and happy.

Your list might include:
✔️ Reading a book
✔️ Going to the theatre or cinema
✔️ Taking a bubble bath
✔️ Seeing family & friends
✔️ Going on holiday
✔️ Enjoying a quiet coffee

Big or small—if it makes you happy, write it down!

Step 2: Identify Your Duties

The Duty List: Write down what you currently do. From the minute you wake up, what are the tasks and responsibilities you have each day and each week? This should also include your mental load such as things you have to think about, plan for or keep on your radar to make sure nothing gets missed.

Your list may include:

  • Household chores
  • Work tasks
  • Family responsibilities
  • Mental load (things you must remember, plan, or organise)
  • Any self-care activities you already do

Make sure you also include any self-care activities that you currently do.

Step 3: Evaluate Your Current Self-Care Routine

Current Situation: With your Joy List, go through your calendar, photos, and messages and tick any self-care activities you did over the last 12 months. This should give you a good idea of how much you are prioritising self-care or prioritising others’ needs above your own. Then put a mark against any self-care activities you have already planned or booked for the next 12 months. Do you have a lot of activities ticked off from last year? Have you got a list of things to look forward to?

Ask yourself:
✅ Did I prioritise self-care last year?
✅ Do I have self-care plans coming up?
✅ Am I putting others’ needs before my own?

This step highlights the gaps in your self-care habits.

Step 4: Reorganise & Make Time for Self-Care

Review and Reorganise: Go back to your Duty List and ask yourself the following questions:

    • Is there anything on this list that I could stop doing?
    • Is there anyone who can help me with some of the things on this list so that I can free up some time for myself? (this can be a friend, family member or if you can afford it someone you can pay to take on that responsibility)
    • Is there a way that I can reorganise my week or day so that it is more efficient, and I can free up some time for myself?

    Step 5: Build Your Self-Care Plan

    Self-Care Plan: From your Joy List, pick a couple of things that you can do each day or each week and schedule this for the next day or week. In this step, make sure you include any challenges or any help you may need to get this done. This will help to increase your chances of successfully and consistently carving out some self-care time for yourself. Remember you don’t have to do everything at once. You can also start small.

    For example, waking up 15 minutes earlier each day and just sitting and having a cup of tea by yourself while listening to your favourite music or in total silence. Try to have your Joy List somewhere visible, like on the fridge or your wardrobe door. This will remind you of the importance of self-care and all the things you enjoy doing and need to add into your life. 

    Pro tip:
    ✅ Keep your Joy List visible (e.g., on the fridge) as a reminder.
    ✅ Start small and simple—you don’t have to overhaul your entire routine overnight.
    ✅ Factor in any challenges (e.g., needing childcare) and plan solutions.

    Step 6: Track Your Progress

    Track your progress: One of the reasons weeks go by before we realise, we haven’t done anything to look after ourselves is because we do not check in with ourselves on a regular basis. This doesn’t have to be complicated or take up an hour of your time.

    Set aside 5-10 minutes each week (e.g., every Sunday) to reflect on:

    • What self-care activities did you do?
    • How they made you feel.
    • What adjustments do you need to make for next week?

    This quick and easy weekly review helps you see what is working and helps you to adjust things as necessary.

      Final Thoughts: Self-Care is Non-Negotiable

      “Self-care if not selfish” is a cheesy but perfectly fitting quote. You need to look after yourself in order to look after others, be great at your job and to manage all the responsibilities you have. Self-care helps you to reduce stress, increase your resilience and improve your wellbeing. This step-by-step guide will help you to create more harmony and to show up fully in all the areas of your life. If you need support in improving your well-being, then book a discovery call or fill in the Contact Us form on our website. You can also purchase our Gratitude, Goals and Habit Tracker booklet to track your progress and bring more joy and purpose into your life. 


      For further reading on self-care and well-being, check out these UK-based sources:


      Thank you for taking the time to read our article. Recognising the importance of your health is a powerful first step, and we’re here to support you with reliable information.

      Explore our collection of blog posts for more insights on health, wellness, and other topics that inspire and inform. We aim to create content that keeps you engaged and motivated on your journey.

      DisclaimerOur blogs are for informational purposes only and do not replace professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for personalised guidance.

      self-care plan

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